Happy Holidays and Happenings in 2025

Happy Holidays and Renew Your FCRW Membership

Happy Holidays and Happenings in 2025. We have a very interesting line-up of guest speakers in the coming year, lots of great learning opportunities and so much more in the coming months including publishing your short stories in one of our anthologies, learning more about marketing and publishing as well.

May Flowers Give Way to June Scorching Temps

May Flowers Give Way to Scorching June Temps

Everything is in bloom. The spring crops are being harvested and the summer ones will be soon. There are strawberries and blueberries everywhere. Soon there will be watermelons everywhere you go. The dreaded Hurricane season has officially started and we are all wondering what Mother Nature has in store for us. But with preparation and innovation, we can keep ourselves cool, enjoy the harvest bounty, and even attend some writing workshops and events to help us with our writing craft. Readers increase your TBR with one or two of our anthologies!

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FCRW Teaches and Encourages New Writers to Keep Going

FCRW Teaches and Encourages New Writers to Keep Going

Rejections and Revelations: Why You Should Keep Writing

The sting of a rejection letter can leave even the most seasoned writer feeling deflated. But before you pack away your manuscript and declare yourself a literary failure, take a deep breath and remember this: rejection is a normal part of the writing journey.

Here’s a little secret: even the most celebrated authors faced a mountain of “no’s” before finding their “yes.”

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Spring is Sprung With Spring Break and St Patricks Day

Spring is Sprung With Spring Break and St Patrick’s Day.

Greener on This Side: Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the US Every March 17th, the US transforms into an emerald isle for a day! St. Patrick’s Day, a celebration of Irish heritage and culture, is a bigger deal here than you might think. Sure, it’s not an official federal holiday (except in a few places like Savannah, Georgia), but that doesn’t stop the festivities. Here’s what makes St. Patrick’s Day special in the United States:

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Happy Valentines Day to All Romance Writers and Readers

Happy Valentines Day to All Romance Writers and Readers

We hope you will find something wonderful to read and enjoy. Even though Valentine’s Day is on a Wednesday this year there is no reason why you cannot take the day off, plan something special with a loved one or, if you do not have someone special right now, plan a special day all for yourself. There is nothing like a bit of chocolate, your favorite beverage, and a cozy place to read a good story. Visit our online shop to grab one of our romance anthologies, or two, or three! We already have plans for several more this coming year. Join our own Newsletter to keep up with our happenings.

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Winter Holidays Updates News and Reviews

Winter Holidays are upon us and here are some updates, news and reviews for the remainder of the coming year. Our Director of Programming has been very busy and has already lined up the next six month worth of Writers Workshop Speakers. The NERFA 2024 will be open to submissions in March 2024. We hope … Read more

July Speaker Wrap-Up and Member News

July Speaker Wrap-Up and Member News

July Speaker Wrap-Up and Member News – This month’s speaker was Pamela Taylor from Texas who gave us two workshops. One about DIY editing and the other was a great group exercise called Authenticity vs. Creativity in Contemporary and Historical Settings. The first training session went over some of the more common problem areas that writers have and should be award of to keep a look out for when they do their own editing. Giving a ‘clean’ manuscript over to a professional editor will save her/him time and you money.

The second workshop was an interactive class session where Pamela gave us a grid on various genres and we free-associated what we thought was important for writers in those storylines. Great exercise and very helpful for both newbies and those who have published a few stories already.

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June Speakers after May Wrap-up

June Speakers after May Wrap-up

May Speaker was Great!

Suzanne PurvisSuzanne Purvis is a transplanted Canadian living in the Deep South, where she traded “eh” for “y’all.” An author of long, short, and flash fiction and poetry for both children and adults, she has won several awards including those sponsored by the University of Toronto, RWA, Bethlehem Writer’s Roundtable, and Women Who Write. You can find her work in print anthologies, magazines, ezines, and ebooks. Visit www.suzannepurvis.com , www.suzannepurvis.blogspot.com, Facebook, Amazon Author’s Central.


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