May Speaker was Great!
Suzanne Purvis is a transplanted Canadian living in the Deep South, where she traded “eh” for “y’all.” An author of long, short, and flash fiction and poetry for both children and adults, she has won several awards including those sponsored by the University of Toronto, RWA, Bethlehem Writer’s Roundtable, and Women Who Write. You can find her work in print anthologies, magazines, ezines, and ebooks. Visit ,, Facebook, Amazon Author’s Central.
Writing Your Brilliant Blurb
Wowza! Your book is done. Congratulations. You’re ready to put your fabulous story out there into the publishing world. One of the best ways to get your book noticed and sold is to write a brilliant blurb.
- the key elements to a brilliant blurb as well as some do and don’t for blurbs
- the necessary steps to creating your brilliant blurb
- how to highlight the uniqueness of your story and why it’s important
- the importance of voice in a blurb
- the importance of researching blurbs and what you can learn
- why you might want to include comparison titles in your blurb
- the importance of revising and refining your blurb until it shines
You’ve got your first draft done or almost done. Or maybe you’re on your second, third, or LAST revision and you’re working toward the finish line. Get your marching orders and learn strategies to attack your revisions.
Strategies for attacking the revision process
A slew of specific revision tips including strong beginnings, compelling voice, a scene checklist, and how to use transitions from scene to scene, what to do about backstory, how to listen closely to your words, why to vary your sentence structure, a quick start tip for your next revision session, plus much more.
Sia Huff
For her workshops, she will use film clips from one or more popular movies: Simply Story Structure Whether plotter or pantser, structure is essential to our story’s success. So what is structure? And why is it so important? In this class we’ll study the Three Act Structure using examples from popular movies. We’ll dive deep into the role of each turning point. Join us to learn what every writer needs to understand about basic story structure. Super Scenes Scenes are the building blocks of story. How do you create memorable scenes?
Take 1: We’ll review the basics of what a scene is and what the experts say.
Take 2: We’ll study the sequence of a scene.
Take 3: We’ll examine key elements of a scene.
Stellar Scenes: (IF TIME PERMITS) · Take 4: We’ll explore how to add texture and dimension to make each scene stellar. In this class you’ll learn how to create strong, layered, page-turning scenes. Cut! It’s a wrap!
For those who are not members of FCRW you can attend in person for free if you have not been to more than 2 workshops this year or you can attend on Zoom for the low price of $10. CLICK HERE to register for the next seminar.
NERFA Finalists Announced
We have announced the Finalists for the NERFA – National Excellence in Romance Fiction Awards 2023 – Check out the website by CLICKING HERE
Romancing the Tropics Anthology
The anthology is filled with 13 different sweet romance stories all around the tropics beginning in 1904 to the present. Each story was volunteered by a member of FCRW who also paid for their own editing. The book formatting and book cover was created by Lia Davis, graphics designer and published author. Click on the picture above to be taken to the Universal book link to pre-order your eBook copy today!
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