Happy Valentines Day to All Romance Writers and Readers

We hope you will find something wonderful to read and enjoy. Even though Valentine’s Day is on a Wednesday this year there is no reason why you cannot take the day off, plan something special with a loved one or, if you do not have someone special right now, plan a special day all for yourself. There is nothing like a bit of chocolate, your favorite beverage, and a cozy place to read a good story. Visit our online shop to grab one of our romance anthologies, or two, or three! We already have plans for several more this coming year. Join our own Newsletter to keep up with our happenings.

Our Authors Gallery Has Been Updated

Check out the Member’s Listing Page. The table has been updated with all the current members of FCRW. As new members join we add their picture and information to the table. We hope you will take a few minutes and visit some of the websites, subscribe to their newsletters, and even follow them on social media.

This Month’s Writers Workshop

Our February Writer’s Workshop was quite eventful this month. The speaker was getting ready to disembark from a cruise ship so that presented a few challenges for the speaker as well as our members, some of which met in the library as usual to have a quick writer’s helper session afterward and then on to lunch. The great thing about our workshops is that they are available on Zoom for those who cannot attend in person and are usually attended in person for those who want to meet and connect with local writers.

Author Danica Winters

February 2024 – Author Danica Winters With Two Writers Workshops by Danica Winters

Creating a Sustainable Author Business Model
In this 45-minute course, we will discuss what it takes to control and advance your author business over the course of decades and changing buyer behavior. Taking a deep look into small business setup and marketing, Danica will help take your short-term outlook to long-term profitability.

Romance Trivia: Cracking the Synopsis
In this 45-minute course, we will get our hands dirty and play the wicked game of whodunit (or in this case, who wrote it). From a few rounds of Name that Book, we will discuss why synopses are important to pansters and plotters, how to boil the story down, where to cut, and what we can effectively use them to create.

Our members have access to the Zoom recording and PowerPoint presentations on our https://membersonly.firstcoastromancewriters.com website.

NERFA – National Excellence in Romance Fiction Awards 2024

For all those romance writers (romance as a sub-genre too) that published a book or novella (over 15,000 words) in 2023, the NERFA contest will be opened for submissions on March 1, 2024. Our participating judges have all signed up and are waiting eagerly to read your great stories. Visit the website for more information: https://nerfa.firstcoastromancewriters.com – Share the link with all your fellow writers out there. This contest is open to world-wide authors but the book must be published and available in the U.S.