Tracee Garner

Tracee Garner Tracee Lydia Garner is an international best-selling author of more than 20 books, a motivating speaker, humorist and book coach. She has taught at the academic level as an adjunct professor for 14+ years, teaching several courses including, Small Business PR and Promotion, Self-Publishing Boot Camp, and How to Write the Novel. Offered … Read more

Marketing for Authors Tips and Upcoming Workshops

Marketing for Authors Tips and Upcoming Workshop

Marketing your books no matter the genre takes work. You have to plan out your goals in order to then plan out how you are going to achieve them. Indie authors as well as some traditionally published authors utilize a variety of tools in addition to getting their local bookstores and libraries to allow them to hold a book signing event. One of those is called the Virtual Book Tour and the other “Take Over Day” for a social media group such as those found on Facebook.

Virtual Book Tours for Authors

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The Allure of Artificial Assistance for Romance Writers

The Allure of Artificial Assistance for Romance Writers

AI writing tools undoubtedly have their merits. Let’s explore some of the potential benefits:

Overcoming Writer’s Block: For those agonizing over a blank page, AI can offer a fresh perspective or even generate plot points.
Research Aid: AI can efficiently sift through vast amounts of data to provide relevant information, saving writers valuable time.
Grammar and Style Check: While not a replacement for a keen eye, AI can help identify potential errors and inconsistencies.
Increased Productivity: By automating certain tasks, writers can focus more on the creative aspects of their work.

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May Flowers Give Way to June Scorching Temps

May Flowers Give Way to Scorching June Temps

Everything is in bloom. The spring crops are being harvested and the summer ones will be soon. There are strawberries and blueberries everywhere. Soon there will be watermelons everywhere you go. The dreaded Hurricane season has officially started and we are all wondering what Mother Nature has in store for us. But with preparation and innovation, we can keep ourselves cool, enjoy the harvest bounty, and even attend some writing workshops and events to help us with our writing craft. Readers increase your TBR with one or two of our anthologies!

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Author Donna Gray-Banks

Donna M. Gray-Banks is the Founder and Director of the F.R.E.S.H. Book Festival (Fiction, Romance, Erotica, Spiritual and Health), one of the largest book festivals for minority and indie self-published authors in Florida. The Festival began in 2011, and the City of Daytona Beach, Florida, began sponsorship of the Festival in 2012. She is also … Read more

FCRW Teaches and Encourages New Writers to Keep Going

FCRW Teaches and Encourages New Writers to Keep Going

Rejections and Revelations: Why You Should Keep Writing

The sting of a rejection letter can leave even the most seasoned writer feeling deflated. But before you pack away your manuscript and declare yourself a literary failure, take a deep breath and remember this: rejection is a normal part of the writing journey.

Here’s a little secret: even the most celebrated authors faced a mountain of “no’s” before finding their “yes.”

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Author Workshop with Scott Eagan

Bio: Scott Eagan opened Greyhaus Literary Agency in 2003 with three goals in mind: To remain a small agency focusing only on Romance and Women’s Fiction; to provide educational opportunities for writers in these genres and to make efforts to enhance the romance and women’s fiction genres; and to assist with increasing communications between the … Read more

Character Building with Barbara Evers

Barbara V. Evers hails from the Dark Corner of South Carolina where she crafts fantasies with strong women matriarchies and clever animals. Her epic fantasy trilogy, THE WATCHERS OF MONIAH, won two Imadjinn Best Fantasy Novel awards, and her short story collection, PIECES OF HER, includes several award-winning stories including a Pushcart Prize nominee. When … Read more