At West Library Branch and on Zoom
1425 Chaffee Rd S, Jacksonville, FL 32221
Shirley Jump
Shirley Jump, author of Writing Compelling Fiction, is an award-winning, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Amazon, and USA Today bestselling author who has published more than 80 books in 24 countries. She has spoken all over the world about the power of narrative and how to create compelling books. A former reporter and communications director for a marketing agency, she uses her diverse background to help clients create impactful books that readers can’t down.
She knows the path to publication isn’t all rainbows and unicorns, so to help writers write their best possible book, she offers monthly Manuscript Masterminds through her website above, On her channel, https://YouTube.com/@WritingCompellingFiction, she unlocks the secrets behind compelling novels and delves into the psychological aspect of overcoming creativity-stoppers like doubt and perfectionism. Follow her channel for more writing exercises, classes, and behind-the-scenes writing lessons or join her Manuscript Mastermind to build your tribe of like-minded writers and receive crucial feedback on your pages. If you have a writing question you’d like to see answered, email her at: Shirley@WritingCompellingFiction.com.
Want your book to be more powerful? Do you want your characters to do more than just talk on the page? Join multi-published, best-selling author Shirley Jump for an interactive workshop on making your dialogue leap off the page and actually work for your novel, not against it. Learn how dialogue can increase tension in a plot, show your characters (without telling) and ramp up the emotion on every page.
5 Secrets of Compelling Novels
What sets a compelling novel apart from a so-so novel? How do you create a book that grabs the reader and doesn’t let go until the last page? Join New York Times bestselling author Shirley Jump, who has published 85 books in 24 countries, for this workshop on the 5 common elements that compelling novels have—and how you can apply those elements to your own book.