March Events and Workshop WrapUp

March Events and Workshop WrapUp

Caren BurmeisterThe March Workshop was given by Caron Burmeister. It was a very invigorating discussion about building suspense and creating memorable sense of place. There was even a short writing sprint at the end that we all got to participate in and read our results. A little bit nerve-racking but very helpful feedback and you can never have too much writing practice. Below is her short biography, the description of the talks. Members have access to the handouts on our “Members Only Website”.

Caren Burmeister Bio

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NERFA and Other Great Member Benefits

NERFA and Other Great Member Benefits

NERFA Awards

Yes folks, our NERFA contest has begun

Submit Your 2022 Published Romance Book(s) for consideration for this year’s National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award contest. This is annual event in it’s 10th year to showcase our Romance authors – in any sub-genre – anywhere in the U.S. The volunteer judges are romance readers, romance writers and other book professionals. The contest is open to authors from March 1st to 31st. Judging will begin in April with the announcement of the finalist in June and the winners in July. See the website for more information. It is only the fourth day of March and we already have around 40 entries! Better act fast.

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February’s Meeting on Zoom

February's Meeting on Zoom


Lisa Norman is the owner of Heart Ally Books, an independent publishing company. She also owns a website design company specializing in creating websites for authors, Deleyna’s Dynamic Designs. For over 25 years, she has worked with both indie and traditionally published writers on everything from writing through publication and marketing. She has taught students from 10 to 80, both in person, locally, and online. Her customers range all over the US, Canada, and as far away as Australia. Mostly she coaches people one-on-one, and she loves public speaking. She’s most proud of her children, adores her husband, and seems to be constantly surrounded by cats. 

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Growing Pains and Websites Updates

Growing Pains and Websites Updates

Growing Pains and Websites Updates. Welcome to the First Coast Romance Writers’ new website. Yes, it looks mostly like the old one, but we’ve made some changes as well as some additions. Thus, we have been experiencing some growing pains. So we hope you will be patient. For now, we just wanted to let you know that the.Workshop Page is active. And I believe I figured out why there were some 404 errors. So for our next meeting we have Lisa Norman coming up and she’s going to be giving some very interesting talks about Websites and Authors on the Web. Now you can share this event on Facebook, Twitter and download it to your calendar, which I think is a very nice feature to get more people involved and for those people who would like to attend the event but are not members of First Coast Romance writers yet.You can always go to the workshop sign up form, fill it out and pay the nominal fee of $10 per event.

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Wrap-Up From January Workshop

Wrap-Up From January Workshop

A Connecticut Yankee transplanted to Central Florida, Debra Jess writes science fiction romance, science fantasy, superheroes, and urban fantasy. She began writing in 2006, combining her love of fairy tales and Star Wars to craft original stories of ordinary people in extraordinary adventures and fantastical creatures in out-of-this world escapades. You can find links to her award-winning paranormal and science fiction romances at When she’s not writing, Debra happily plays fur mommy to Martin, the vampire kitty, and Lily, the tiger kitty. You can follow her adventures with Martin and Lily on social media, or you can subscribe to her newsletter: 

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Member Spectacular with Special Law Enforcement Workshop

Paul Schad Actor/Police and Crime Tech Advisor

Member Spectacular with special Law Enforcement workshop: In-Person and Online Guest Speaker – Paul Schad: Actor / Police & Crime Technical Advisor If any of the characters in your stories are police officers…this class is for you. Paul Schad will talk about the types and personalities of detectives you’ll find in different investigative units. Let’s … Read more

Carmen Cook – Advanced Branding

Carmen Cook Advanced Branding

DOING IT ALL: Most of us have multiple identities. We fill any number of roles in our lives – Housekeepers, Chefs, Parental Unit, Spouse, Partner, Executive, Bookkeeper, Entrepreneur, Student, Teacher, Coach, Board member, Friend, Dog Walker, Chauffer… the list is endless. Whether you work outside the home or not, the demands on your time are … Read more

KG Fletcher

KG Fletcher BIO: Dubbed, “The Singing Author,” KG Fletcher lives in her very own frat house in Atlanta, GA with her husband Ladd and three sons. As a singer/songwriter she became a recipient of the “Airplay International Award” for “Best New Artist” showcasing original songs at The Bluebird Café in Nashville, TN. She earned her … Read more