Growing Pains and Websites Updates

Growing Pains and Websites Updates

Growing Pains and Websites Updates. Welcome to the First Coast Romance Writers’ new website. Yes, it looks mostly like the old one, but we’ve made some changes as well as some additions. Thus, we have been experiencing some growing pains. So we hope you will be patient. For now, we just wanted to let you know that the.Workshop Page is active. And I believe I figured out why there were some 404 errors. So for our next meeting we have Lisa Norman coming up and she’s going to be giving some very interesting talks about Websites and Authors on the Web. Now you can share this event on Facebook, Twitter and download it to your calendar, which I think is a very nice feature to get more people involved and for those people who would like to attend the event but are not members of First Coast Romance writers yet.You can always go to the workshop sign up form, fill it out and pay the nominal fee of $10 per event.

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