Happy Holidays and Happenings in 2025
Happy Holidays and Happenings in 2025. We have a very interesting line-up of guest speakers in the coming year, lots of great learning opportunities and so much more in the coming months including publishing your short stories in one of our anthologies, learning more about marketing and publishing as well.
Renew or Become a Member
Don’t forget to renew your membership and if you are not a member or know of someone who might like to be a member share this post with them and become new members. All published Authors receive an Author Card on the Member Gallery, two FREE ads in the FCRW newsletter in the coming months and be able to participate in each of the monthly writing workshops. These writing workshops are all recorded on Zoom for those who cannot attend in person and available for viewing on our Members Only website.
National Excellence in Romance Fiction Awards – NERFA
For all those romance writers out there who published in 2024 we are gearing up for the 2025 NEFRA contest season. We will be sharing posts and updates with our members as well as the public from January to the end of March. The contest will open for entries beginning March 1st and closed on March 31st. That is when our volunteer judges will begin their reading. Check the WEBSITE for more information and how to apply. And share with all of your fellow romance writers. Join the Newsletter to keep up with updates for the contestants, judges and then the finalists.
National Excellence in Romance Covers Contest – NERCC
We will be holding the National Excellence in Romance Cover Contest once more in 2025. The website will be updated sometime in January with dates for contestants. Sign up for the FCRW NEWSLETTER to stay informed on that contest and much more. Just remember that ALL ROMANCE COVERS published in 2024 will be eligible for the contest. There are some Terms and Conditions that you might want to read about ahead of time on the WEBSITE.
Our Anthologies
In the coming year there will continue to be a monthly publication of a short-story set in the shared world called Pinevale Valley. We have member’s stories lined up for almost the entire year. There are a couple of spaces available for new members who want to give it a go. One of our members have volunteered to create our book covers and another does all the social media marketing. We will have a Spring Anthology filled with short stories with a theme of “GLAMPING”, corporate retreats, church retreats, writer’s workshops where romance is in bloom. This will be shared world anthology in that they all happen at the same facility. The Fall Anthology will be Ghosts who were “unalived” because of love. We are doing a shared place similar to the American and British TV show called Ghosts. This will allow stories from all time periods.
Sales and Specials
Check out our ONLINE STORE. All of the Anthologies are Half-Price or $0.99 until the end of December 2024
Thanks to our Member Vanessa Kilmer for sharing her promotional video of our online sale