
Suzanne Purvis


From 10:15 until 1:00

At West Branch Library

1425 Chaffee Rd S Jacksonville, FL 32221


Suzanne Purvis is a transplanted Canadian living in the Deep South, where she traded “eh” for “y’all.” An author of long, short, and flash fiction and poetry for both children and adults, she has won several awards including those sponsored by the University of Toronto, RWA, Bethlehem Writer’s Roundtable, and Women Who Write. You can find her work in print anthologies, magazines, ezines, and ebooks. Visit  www.suzannepurvis.com , www.suzannepurvis.blogspot.com, Facebook, Amazon Author’s Central.


Writing Your Brilliant Blurb

Wowza!  Your book is done. Congratulations. You’re ready to put your fabulous story out there into the publishing world. One of the best ways to get your book noticed and sold is to write a brilliant blurb.

Who Should Take This Workshop

  • authors writing query letters
  • authors looking to self-publish and are in need of a stellar back cover blurb

What You Will Learn

    • the key elements to a brilliant blurb
    • some do and don’t for blurbs
    • the necessary steps to creating your brilliant blurb
    • how to highlight the uniqueness of your story and why it’s important
    • the importance of voice in a blurb
    • the importance of researching blurbs and what you can learn
    • why you might want to include comparison titles in your blurb
    • the importance of revising and refining your blurb until it shines 
    • This workshop will include interactive exercises to help get you started with your brilliant blurb.


You’ve got your first draft done or almost done. Or maybe you’re on your second, third, or LAST revision and you’re working toward the finish line. You’re ready for REVISION BOOTCAMP. Sign up. Get your marching orders and learn strategies to attack your revisions.

Who Should Take This Class

  • Any writer looking for successful methods to work through the revision process.
  • Any writer who’s stuck and doesn’t know what to do next in their draft process.

 What You Will Learn

  • Strategies for attacking the revision process
  • A slew of specific revision tips including strong beginnings, compelling voice, a scene checklist, and how to use transitions from scene to scene, what to do about backstory, how to listen closely to your words, why to vary your sentence structure, a quick start tip for your next revision session, plus much more.

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