Writers Workshop Laurie Schnebly Campbell
From 10:45 am until 1:00 pm
At On Zoom
Laurie Schnebly Campbell loves giving workshops for writer groups about “Psychology for Creating Characters,” “Making Rejection WORK For You,” “Building A Happy Relationship For Your Characters (And Yourself)” and other issues that draw on her background as a counseling therapist and romance writer.
Her first novel was nominated by Romantic Times as the year’s “Best First Series Romance,” and her second beat out Nora Roberts for “Best Special Edition of the Year.” But between those two successes came a three-year dry spell, during which Laurie discovered that selling a first book doesn’t guarantee ongoing success.
WORKSHOP,/p> Boffo Beginnings and Fab Finales
How can you make sure your book will draw readers in from the very first paragraph, through the next several pages, continuing, until they realize they can't put this story down? How can you leave them, after reaching The End, so wonderfully satisfied with the book they just finished that they're already vowing to read whatever else you've written and are going to write next? That's what this class is about.
Showing EmotionEveryone knows how important it is to show rather than tell. But when it comes to showing emotion, that can be...well, tricky. How do you keep from going over the top and making readers roll their eyes? How do you avoid not going far enough and sending their attention downhill with every word? Learn the tricks of conveying emotion for readers of whatever genre you're writing and how to find the right balance between plummeting, purple prose and perfection.