Cancel Your Fee

We are sorry that you have decided to cancel your payment for the workshop or the membership. You can always change you mind. Thank you for considering our event or joining our members. Have a great day.

To try again for one of the many great upcoming workshops CLICK HERE

If you should change your mind again about joining the many great authors and soon to be published authors fill out the form below.

Membership Sign up and Renewal Form

This form is for new members to sign up and returning members to renew their annual FCRW dues. If you choose to pay by check, compete the form with your information and ignore paypal when it pops up. Then make checks out to First Coast Romance Writers and mail it to the address below. First Coast Romance Writers PO Box 37744 Jacksonville, FL 32236 Note: Payment is nonrefundable.

We need your full legal name for our membership listing.
Enter all the author pen names you currently write under.
Please tell us which name you would preferred to be called when you are participating in our group activities and the member site.
Please tell us the the genres you are currently writing in or would like to if not started yet
Your current mailing address is required for our tax records.
List all your author website/blog and all your social media URLs. Don't forget to include your Amazon Author page link. We support our authors with shares, likes, etc.
Indicate if you are here as just a romance fiction reader, just as a writer or perhaps both.
It is helpful to know if you have already published, are working on getting published or are here as a romance reader only.
Put NA if you have not published yet. Otherwise indicate the year of your last published book
If referred by someone please type in their name. Some replies might be "Internet Search", "Facebook Group" "ABC website", etc
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, pdf, , Max. file size: 128 MB.
Please Upload your author photo or logo to add to the website. We use this for our author's members gallery and in the Member's Only website.
Price: $50.00
Please input "1" in the Quantity field above
Payment Method
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa

As always if you should have any questions about our organization, the upcoming workshops or to get in touch with one of our board members please use our CONTACT form.